
How to clean LVT Flooring?

June 13, 2024

In Cleanville, Mr. and Mrs. Tidywell sought advice from their neighbor, Mrs. Cleanright, on how to clean their Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring. Mrs. Cleanright recommended regular sweeping, damp mopping, and mild cleaners, cautioning against abrasive cleaners or excessive water. Following her advice, the Tidywells successfully cleaned their LVT floor. This story underscores the importance of proper cleaning methods for maintaining LVT flooring.

Imagine the subtle sheen of your LVT flooring fading under dust and grime; an all too common fate without proper care. Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) flooring combines durability with elegance, but keeping it pristine demands regular cleaning. The importance of maintenance can’t be overstated; it prolongs the life of your flooring and preserves its aesthetic appeal.

Before you can begin restoring your floors to their former glory, a preparation ritual awaits. Collecting the right supplies is like assembling the pieces of a puzzle, and clearing your space sets the stage for the transformation ahead. Regular upkeep is the cornerstone of LVT floor maintenance, involving a trifecta of sweeping, mopping, and spot-cleaning that keeps it looking impeccable.

Delving deeper takes your floors from clean to immaculate, addressing stubborn marks and harnessing the power of steam. But the path is fraught with potential missteps; knowing the dos and don'ts safeguards your floor's integrity. As we venture further into the article, we will unravel the wisdom behind maintaining the elegance of LVT flooring, from leveraging strategic accessories like doormats to mastering the delicate art of furniture placement.

Importance of Cleaning LVT Flooring

Cleaning Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring regularly is vital for maintaining both its appearance and longevity. By ensuring routine vacuuming or sweeping, you prevent the buildup of dirt that can lead to scratches which mar the surface of your flooring. An occasional mop with a suitable LVT-friendly solution and warm water is enough to keep your floors looking pristine, but remember to use water sparingly to avoid damaging the flooring’s delicate layers.

Quick responses to any spills and stains are imperative to prevent the LVT from warping or becoming discolored—liquids left sitting can have detrimental effects. When cleaning, it’s important to avoid abrasive scrubbers; these can leave unsightly marks or even permanent damage. Instead, opt for gentle cleaning methods and mild detergents designed for LVT. Lastly, incorporating doormats at key points of entry can greatly diminish the amount of dirt and grime tracked in, which helps preserve the floor’s cleanliness. Adhering to these simple guidelines allows you to keep your LVT flooring in top-notch condition, enhancing the comfort and aesthetic of your space.

Preparing for Cleaning

Before diving into the cleaning process for LVT flooring, it's crucial to properly prepare in order to ensure a safe and effective cleaning routine.

Start by selecting the appropriate cleaning agents. Household items such as apple cider vinegar or white vinegar serve as superb DIY cleaning solutions by cutting through grime while being gentle on LVT floors. For everyday cleaning, a simple solution of one part vinegar to ten parts warm water should suffice. Alternatively, a drop of dishwashing soap added to your bucket of warm water can tackle most dirt without the need for harsh chemicals. Be mindful to use these items sparingly, as overuse of any cleaning solution, even natural ones, can lead to discoloration over time.

It is essential to avoid using any abrasive materials or harsh detergents that could scratch or damage your flooring. Gentle, non-abrasive cleaners are your best friend when it comes to LVT. Products like the FloorSpa kit are specifically formulated to treat luxury vinyl tiles without causing harm. Additionally, for wiping away excess moisture, a microfibre cloth is recommended, as it's soft and highly absorbent, effectively minimizing the risk of water damage.

Gather the necessary cleaning supplies

Before you begin, gather the following supplies to ensure a smooth and efficient cleaning process:

  • A bucket filled with a mixture of warm water and a small amount of white vinegar or dishwashing soap.
  • Microfibre cloths or a soft mop for applying the cleaning solution and drying the floor.
  • A soft broom or a vacuum cleaner with a suitable hard surface setting for pre-cleaning.
  • FloorSpa kit or another non-abrasive cleaning product if a commercial cleaner is preferred.

Keep these items handy to facilitate a quick and effective cleaning routine.

Clear the area and remove any furniture

To prepare the LVT flooring for cleaning, clear the space by removing furniture and other items from the room. When moving furniture, always lift rather than drag it across the floor to prevent scratches and potential damage. If you have to move heavier items frequently, consider investing in felt pads or floor protectors for furniture legs and bases to help safeguard your LVT flooring from scrapes and scuff marks.

Shut any blinds or curtains in the area, especially during peak sun hours, to shield the floor from prolonged sun exposure that could lead to fading or discoloration. Additionally, ensure that you're not using rubber-backed mats or rugs as they might lead to discoloration of the flooring; opt for non-staining alternatives instead. Finally, remember that LVT flooring shouldn't be treated with wax, as this can cause the tiles to lose their sheen and become dull.

By meticulously preparing for the cleaning process, you'll protect your LVT flooring and keep it looking immaculate for years to come.

Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Proper care and regular upkeep are the cornerstones of preserving the beauty and lifespan of your LVT flooring. Adopt a gentle routine of sweeping or vacuuming to ensure that dirt and debris, which could lead to scratches, are kept at bay. When it comes to washing your floor, opt for tepid water mixed with a mild and pH-neutral cleaning solution to maintain the floor's lustrous finish. Over-wetting your LVT is a no-no; use the minimal amount of moisture required to clean the floor effectively. What's more, shun the temptation to conduct an excessively frequent mopping marathon, as it can contribute to potential moisture damage over time. If you're uncertain about the compatibility of a cleaning product, verify that it’s pH-neutral and marked safe for LVT floors.

Sweeping or vacuuming the floor

The simple act of regularly sweeping or vacuuming your LVT flooring pays dividends in preserving its appearance. Stay armed with a soft-bristled broom to avert unintentional scuffing or scratching. In a setting bustling with kids, pets, or high traffic, make it a weekly ritual to vacuum, taking care to set aside the bar beater attachment, which can be unforgiving on vinyl. This baseline maintenance creates a solid foundation that not only keeps the floor spotless but also prolongs its durability.

Mopping the floor with a mild detergent solution

When it's time to escalate your cleaning game, prepare a bucket with warm water and a dash of an LVT-friendly detergent. Kick-off the deep cleaning with a thorough sweep or vacuum to capture any roaming dirt. Then grab a damp mop—emphasis on damp, not dripping wet—and spread the solution across the floor with finesse. Steer clear of products that boast a "mop and shine" label; they’re notorious for leaving behind a dulled film. Stick with your diluted cleaner for that pristine, sanitary sheen.

Removing tough stains and spills

Accidents happen, and when they do, it's reassuring to know your LVT flooring won’t hold it against you. Confront tough stains with hot water mixed with a gentle detergent, and apply with a damp cloth, dabbing at the offense. Should the stain prove more persistent, consider a soft-bristled brush and tackle it with soft, circular motions. For natural solutions, baking soda paste or a vinegar-water mix can be surprisingly effective. However, always conduct a spot test in a hidden area first to ensure your chosen cleaner doesn't mar your flooring. When faced with the more menacing stains—think ink, paint, or grease—reach for specialized non-abrasive vinyl floor cleaners that are formulated to vanquish these without a trace.

Deep Cleaning LVT Flooring

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your LVT flooring, a comprehensive deep cleaning routine should be enacted periodically. Start by diligently sweeping and vacuuming - this initial step is essential in lifting loose dirt, dust, and debris that simply float on the surface. For the actual deep cleaning phase, concoct a milder solution using warm water and a mild, pH-neutral cleaner designed for use on LVT floors. Prepare a bucket with this solution, making sure to wring your mop out thoroughly for dampness without excessive wetness to prevent unsightly water spots and streaks.

For those incessant, stubborn marks and stains, the dedicated Scrub solution within the FloorSpa kit is your ally. Apply this to the stain and, with a non-scratch scourer, gently scrub in a circular pattern to dislodge the spot. Once you've given the tough areas the attention needed, go over the entire floor with your damp mop, cleaning the space section by section. Finish off by rinsing the floor with clean water to remove any lingering detergent, before drying with a soft, dry mop to avoid any moisture-related issues.

Removing Scuff Marks and Heel Marks

LVT flooring can occasionally fall victim to scuff marks and heel marks, a common consequence of everyday activity. To tackle these, a small application of WD-40 on the mark, followed by a gentle buff with a dry microfiber cloth, can work wonders. For a more DIY approach, affix a tennis ball to the end of a broomstick and rub it over the marks – a surprisingly effective method to diminish those stubborn scuffs.

For those deeply ingrained marks that resist initial efforts, melamine foam, also known as a magic eraser, can be a safe yet powerful solution for restoring your LVT floor's pristine condition. As always, maintaining a proactive approach by addressing scuff marks expeditiously is key in preserving the floor's aesthetic appeal over time.

Using a Steam Cleaner for Deeper Cleaning

It is crucial to acknowledge that deep cleaning LVT flooring does not extend to the use of steam cleaners. The intense heat and moisture emitted by these devices are notorious for infiltrating the seams between planks and tiles, leading to adhesive failure and warping. Continued application of steam can secretly accumulate damage, even if it isn't instantly discernible.

Understanding the makeup of LVT flooring, it must be noted that the seams are particularly vulnerable to the penetrative effects of steam, which is why experts advise against employing steam mops for this type of flooring. To protect the integrity and appearance of your LVT flooring, steer clear of steam cleaners entirely, to avert any risk of moisture-related harm.

Polishing the Floor for Added Shine

Seeking that freshly-installed shimmer in your LVT flooring? Polishing may be an excellent means to not only enhance its luster but also to apply an additional layer of protection against wear and tear. When opting for a vinyl floor polish, it is paramount to abide by the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results. Although not strictly necessary, the occasional application of polish can rejuvenate the floor and ensure it continues to repel daily abuses gracefully.

Remember, before lavishing your LVT floor with polish, it's essential to have it clean and free from any dirt or grime that could get trapped underneath the polish layer. Apply the polish evenly, taking care to overdo it, as excess can lead to undesirable buildup. The end result should be rejuvenated flooring that gleams with a protective sheen, indicative of a well-maintained and durable surface.

Dos and Don'ts of Cleaning LVT Flooring

Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) flooring is known for its resilience and ease of maintenance. However, to keep it in prime condition, it’s important to follow a set of dos and don'ts when it comes to cleaning and caring for your LVT floors.


  • Wipe up spills promptly: Tending to spills immediately can prevent permanent stains. Even with LVT's resistance to moisture, certain substances can cause discoloration if left for too long.
  • Use a doormat: By placing a doormat at entrances, you can trap dirt and reduce the risk of scratches from debris tracked indoors.
  • Employ floor protectors: Positioning floor protectors beneath furniture can prevent indentations and scratches on your LVT flooring.
  • Choose the right cleaner: Ensure you use a pH-neutral floor cleaner specifically designed for vinyl flooring to maintain its beauty without damaging the material.
  • Lift stains carefully: Use a damp cloth with warm water and a mild detergent for spot-cleaning stains, taking care not to soak the LVT panels.
  • Check product compatibility: Always read cleaning product labels to confirm they're safe for use on LVT, and check that they’re non-harmful to children and pets, if applicable.
  • Prevent discoloration: Avoid placing rubber-backed mats on LVT flooring, as they can lead to discoloration over time.
  • Regular sweeping: Employ a soft-bristle brush to sweep the flooring frequently to minimize the emergence of minor marks and scratches.
  • Weekly vacuuming: Vacuuming or sweeping weekly with the vacuum set to bare floor mode will remove dirt and reduce the chances of scratches.


  • Steer clear of heavy-duty cleaners: Refrain from using harsh, heavy-duty, or ammonia-based cleaners on LVT, as they can degrade the material and cause cracking over time.
  • Minimize water use: Though LVT is water-resistant, avoiding excessive water during cleaning will prevent potential damage, such as warping or adhesive issues.
  • Forego steam cleaning: Steam cleaners should not be used on LVT, as the high heat and moisture can penetrate seams and cause damage to the tiles.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and wax: Using wax-based products or heavy chemical cleaners on LVT can dull the finish, reducing its natural shine.
  • Say no to rubber mats: As mentioned earlier, rubber-backed mats are a no-go due to their potential to stain the vinyl material.

By sticking to these straightforward guidelines, you will be able to maintain the impeccable look and condition of your LVT flooring for years to come.

Tips for Maintaining the Appearance of LVT Flooring

To preserve the immaculate appearance and longevity of your luxury vinyl tile (LVT) flooring, adopting some simple yet effective measures can make all the difference. Start by strategically placing doormats or rugs at all main entrances. This acts as the first line of defense against dirt and moisture traipsing in from outside, which can leave unsightly grime and stains. Additionally, screening the amount of direct sunlight your LVT tiles are exposed to will prevent discoloration and fading of the floor's colors and patterns. When it comes to cleaning, stick to products that are safe for both children and pets and formulated specifically for vinyl flooring. It's also important to avoid wax-based products on your LVT, as they can not only dull the floor's natural shine but also create a slippery surface and potentially cause damage. A regular routine of gentle sweeping with a soft bristle brush and mopping with an appropriate cleaner weekly, or less frequently, will help retain the fresh, pristine look of your floors.

Use doormats or rugs at entrances

A simple yet effective strategy for maintaining LVT flooring is to use doormats or rugs at every doorway. When you place doormats at all entrances, you help to catch and trap a significant amount of dirt, moisture, and grit that would otherwise end up on your floors, potentially leading to scratches and dullness. Larger mats at your most frequently used doorways are particularly beneficial in keeping outdoor contaminants to a minimum. Keep in mind, these mats and rugs themselves need routine cleaning to prevent accumulated dirt from spreading. By preventing this dirt buildup, you help preserve the vibrant surface and integrity of your LVT flooring.

Place furniture pads or glides under heavy furniture

Preventing scratches and indents on your LVT flooring, especially from heavy furniture and appliances, is crucial for maintaining its aesthetic. Adhering furniture pads or glides, commonly made of felt, beneath the legs of furniture can significantly mitigate potential harm. Organizations like Karndean underscore the effectiveness of such measures in protecting your floors. These small, often adhesive, protectors are readily available in most department stores or home improvement stores and are easy to install. Additionally, it's a good rule of thumb to lift rather than drag furniture when repositioning it, to ensure your LVT remains unscathed and as beautiful as the day it was installed.

Avoid dragging or sliding heavy objects on the floor

While LVT flooring is designed to be scratch-resistant, it is not entirely impervious to damage from sharp objects or heavy furniture. Be mindful about moving heavy items across your floor; always lift rather than drag. Regularly trimming the nails of your pets can also reduce the likelihood of unsightly scratches. For items that are moved often, like chairs and dining tables, attaching furniture pads will provide an additional layer of protection. Incorporating floor mats and rugs, particularly in high-traffic zones and entrance areas, helps minimize the wear and tear on LVT floors. By following these simple tips, you can keep your LVT flooring looking stellar and resilient against daily wear.

Conquer Grime and Shine Bright: Your Ultimate Guide to LVT Floor Care!

Unveil the secrets to sparkling LVT brilliance! This comprehensive guide equips you with effortless cleaning methods to maintain the elegance and longevity of your luxury vinyl tile.

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